Woodside FutureLab at The University of Western Australia (UWA) brings together a broad range of researchers who work collaboratively on challenges and opportunities within Woodside Energy and the broader energy industry. Woodside FutureLab at UWA is impact-focused, seeking to deliver outcomes that add value or enhance capability at Woodside Energy and UWA.
Detecting Corrosion under Insulation
Performance Evaluation of Anti-Scour Frond Mats
Shallow Penetrometer - Measuring In-Situ Soil to Soil
Shear Stress Amplification and Scour Around Subsea
Elongation of Pipeline Spans Over Buckle Initiators
A Feasibility Study of the Detection of Pipeline
Automated Cameras for Biodiversity Assessments
SLAM - Swell Local Adjustment via Monitoring
Rapid Greenwater Testing in the Wave Flume
Planning the Recovery of an Anti-Marine Growth
Towards Improving Pipeline Stability Design For
Low Cost Underwater Data Acquisition System
Design Engineering for Seabed Porcupine
Rapid Bar Coding and DNA Sequencing Kit
Scouring Assessment of Compound Subsea Structures
Mealworms - Taking a Bite out of Plastic Pollution
Testing the Potential for Marine Growth to Disrupt VIV
on Long Spans on Woodside Pipelines
Testing Waters with DNA ZOO TechnologyÂ
Role of Field Joints in Initiating Pipeline Scour for Trunklines
Uncovering Carbon Sink Potential of Australian Kelp
Using Acoustic Telemetry to Detect Tagged Marine
Machine Learning Driven Regional Wave
Data-Driven Real-Time Prediction of Ocean Responses
Characterising Marine Growth that Disables Subsea
VibrioPET to Degrade Plastics in the Ocean
Tidy Data for Effective Data Science
THz for Plastics Characterisation
Neutralisation of Potential Energy in Christmas Tree
Network of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
Improved Current Forecasting
Cementing for Wells Plug and Abandonment
Well Cementing Data Analysis
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Monitor the Water Temperature in the Swan River
Floating Solar Panel Trials in the Swan River (Phase 1)
Floating Wind Turbine Trials in the Swan River (Phase 1)
Assessing Novel Solutions for Reducing Coastal Flooding
and Erosion
Using Drones to Remotely Measure Environmental
Parameters at Sea
Novel Methods for Repair and Strengthening of Offshore
Plate Girders
Novel Methods for Repair and Strengthening of Offshore
Corroded Plates
Development and Testing of Low Cost Drifter Buoys
Capable of Real-Time Position Tracking
Investigating the Axial Capacity of Plastic Tubular
Members for use in Marine Structures
Artificial Reefs
Reinforced with Steel or Recycled Plastic Fibres
Investigating the Load Bearing Capacity of Plastic Tubular T Joints for use in Marine Structures
Design and Construction of a Novel Energy Storage System
Using Smart Sensing to Monitor the Response of a
Subsea Cable in the Swan River
Understanding the Impact of Seabed Vegetation on
Coastal Wave Run-Up
Predicting the Rate of Nutrient Transfer from Seabed Sediments to the Water Column in Swan River
Predicting the Rate of Nutrient Transfer from Seabed Sediments to the Water Column in Swan River
Predicting the Dynamic Response of Floating Vessels
Interpretation of a New Generation Free Fall Penetrometer
Measuring Currents and Turbulence in the Swan River
Testing of a Self-Installing Spar Platform
Modelling the Deployment of a Subsea Shuttle for Cheaper Installation of Subsea Structures
Assessing Overtopping of River Spray onto the Kwinana Freeway
Mooring of Wave Energy System using Suction Cassion
Assessing Novel Nature-Based Solutions for Coastal Flood Defense
Investigation of a Fish Anchor
Geopolymer Concrete Made of River Water and River Sand
Mapping the Erosion Characteristics of the Swan River
Developing Active Suction Anchors for Floating Renewable Energy Converters
Network of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
Testing of an Unmanned Floater Concept
Novel Coatings for Subsea Structures
Trials of Free Drifting FPSOs in the Swan River
Machine Learning for Assessing Mooring Integrity of FPSO motions
Free Fall Cone Penetrometer for Offshore Site Investigation
Investigation of the Costs & Benefits of Alterations to a Subsea Shuttle Design to Improve Utility
Characterising Material Transport from Swan River Sediments
Predicting Underwater Visibility in the Swan River
Application of Floaters on Mitigating Snap Load in Umbilical for Deep Water ROV Operations
Measuring Surface Waves in the Swan River
Development of a High-Accuracy, Low Cost Water Level Sensor
Exploring the Riverbed Strength of the Swan River with Novel Sensors
Studying Mooring of Wave Energy Systems Using Scaled Field Trials
Forecasting the Effects of Climate Change on the Swan-Canning Estuary
Assessing the Accuracy of an Echologger for Measuring Unbroken and Broken Surface Waves
Research on Composite Materials for Offshore Applications
Repair and Strengthening of Damaged Members in Offshore Floating Facilities Using Fibre Reinforced Polymers
Using Tubular FRP Sections as Structural Members for the River Jetties and Walkways
Studying Floating Wave Buoys for Sensing & Renewable Energy (Part 1)
Damage Detection of Fixed Offshore Platforms
Effect of Surface Waves on Overarm Swimming Performance & Behaviour
PixieDust (Phases 1 and 2)
Benarx WUI Top Hat Testing
Pipeshoe Cold Transfer Practical Assessment
NOVEC Fire Cabinets
CT Scanning of ABS Casing Devices
Collaboration unlocks value Together
Woodside FutureLab at UWA is a bold, forward-thinking initiative which aims to add significant value to the energy industry. An important aspect of the collaboration is the fostering of relationships between Woodside Energy subject matter experts and UWA researchers. It is these networks which will support Woodside Energy’s current operations as well as help drive efforts in the transition to New Energy.
OceanWorks brings together collaborators interested in ocean engineering (oceanography, ecology, engineering, resource management and governance) to network and develop solutions to new and existing challenges.
TechWorks seeks technology-based solutions to make operations safer and more cost-effective. It’s supported by well-connected researchers in the fields of mechanical, electrical, electronic, civil, chemical, environmental and software engineering, and has state-of-the-art facilities for 3D scanning and metal 3D printing.
RiverLab involves student research that uses the Swan River as an analogue for the ocean to trial offshore systems, investigate offshore processes and validate novel sensors. Each research project is offered to Engineering, Earth Science and Biology students in the form of a final year research project that they complete over two semesters (10 months).
Woodside FutureLab at UWA offers a wide range of opportunities for students from school through to university. Our innovative programs allow students to work on real challenges, gain insights into industry operations, and help transform the future of energy.
Think big, prototype small, scale fast!
In pursuing research opportunities, we work as one team. Leveraging the insights and capability of both Woodside Energy and UWA, we collaboratively frame ideas and projects. These projects have created a thriving ecosystem of student-researcher-industry interactions, which together with high quality research facilities, provide impact and value.
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Our Events
Assumenda occaecat cursus iaculis ab non, assumenda natoque aliquid sunt fusce quasi quod unde, ridiculus.
Afforestation Program And Fundraising Event
Dolorem interdum iure pharetra quia sapien, ipsum eligendi rerum volups tatibus sed dolor hymenaeos veh.
Afforestation Program And Fundraising Event
Dolorem interdum iure pharetra quia sapien, ipsum eligendi rerum volups tatibus sed dolor hymenaeos veh.
Cleanliness Event And Awareness Program
Dolorem interdum iure pharetra quia sapien, ipsum eligendi rerum volups tatibus sed dolor hymenaeos veh.