Design Engineering for Seabed Porcupine

Coral in Muri Lagoon, Rarotonga, Cook Islands

Project Description

UWA continues to undertake globally-leading research into the behaviour of subsea cables and pipelines, with a particular focus on how the hydrodynamics are affected by the cable interaction with different types of seabed. Through the research undertaken by a number of researchers, significant progress has been made in developing an improved understanding of cable behaviour on rocky seabeds.

While in Europe attending OMAE, Terry Griffiths was able to add a side-visit to the manufacturing facility for Trelleborg Offshore UK (TOUK) in Skelmersdale (near Liverpool) to meet with key technical personnel involved in new product development – Andy Smith (head of R&D) and Geoff Wild (lead product designer).

The visit was enormously productive in helping to progress discussions on some of the novel products being developed by TOUK and how the research being undertaken at UWA could complement these efforts, helping to deliver practical and cost-effective solutions for marine renewable and offshore oil and gas industries.